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God is Good!

January 7, 2017

Today The Memorial Spiritualist Church is closed due to the weather and most of us have been in our homes now for several days. So can we take today to attune to the greater spirit that is within us?

As we know, there are many situations and conditions that are brought to us that we in turn have to deal with in this physical world. Sometimes we are all too overwhelmed. But if we take the time to attune to our higher self, our God, we can overcome anything that is presented to us. We all know that there is a higher source, Our God that has this and knows the bigger picture.

So today I ask you, take the time to sit and relax and think of all the blessings that you have in your life. Write them down and then spend a little bit of time to focus on them. Think of all the promises of hope that are offered to you each day. Please sit in the knowing that God is Good and the lessons that we learn in this life will only help us in our progression in the next life. Knowledge is our best friend: Knowledge of all that there is. And in your silence you can find more and more knowledge. Listen you your inner being with thoughts from your heart- not your head or your mind. You can tell the difference because thoughts from your heart are always of LOVE! Remember that Mindfulness is the very first law of Nature- Your thoughts are your things- so be aware of the thoughts that are there and focus on only the good, the absolutely true and the beautiful thoughts that pass through your mind. Spend a few minutes today with these thoughts and “Thank God” for all that you are. Today is a New Day for you in every way!

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